Game Together

Game Together

Game Together

Attention Students!

The Game Together is a competition for students in the last two years of a Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. program of a games faculty in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. After the application with the semester projects, our expert jury determines the 3 nominees. Places 1-3 will then be awarded at an award show-livestream. The virtual mentoring sessions with our developers, which take place afterwards, are - among other great prizes - the main prize of the competition for all 3 nominated teams.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Game Together?

The Game Together is a competition for students of the last two years of a game study program at a university in Germany, Switzerland or Austria.

Why does the Game Together exist?

It is part of our Ubisoft Education program and gives students the opportunity on their home stretch into the industry to show what they have learned during their studies, to get in touch with our developers and to learn a lot again during the mentoring sessions.

Who is on the jury?

The jury consists of Ubisoft experts.

How can I participate?

Apply with your playable university project during our application period on the website. Times will be announced via our social media channels and website.

How will the winning team be determined?

Our panel of expert judges will play all submissions and score them according to a standard scoring system. This is how we determine the winning teams of places 1 to 3, which are first notified as nominees. During an awards show livestream, in which the nominated teams are present as guests, the announcement of the placements takes place.

How big can my team be?

There is no limit to the size of a team. However, we would like to know who did what in each project, so we ask you to be very specific.

Can my team consist of people from different semesters?

Basically yes, but each team member must be in the last two years, i.e. the last four semesters of bachelor or master studies.

Which games are allowed?

Due to the setup of our judging sessions, the following games are allowed: PC (Game Build Download), PC (Steam), Mobile (for Android in the Google Store). There are no restrictions on the genre, target audience and others.

How many teams can win the Game Together?

There are 3 nominee teams, which in the end will take the places 1 to 3.

What happens during the award show-livestream?

During the livestream, the teams present their games and answer a few questions. This will be followed by the award ceremony.

How do the mentoring sessions work?

In a discussion with the winning teams, we clarify what needs there are for mentoring. Depending on the possibility, these are then carried out virtually with our developers after the award show livestream.

Winners of Game Together 2022

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Get in touch

Katharina Bochnig

Project Specialist Education