Girls' Day

Girls' Day
Once a year - on the last Thursday in April - Girls' Day takes place and we are part of it! We open our doors to give girls an insight into our exciting industry and possibly motivate them to pursue a career in the games industry. The girls spend the day in one of our studios with exciting introductions to game development & marketing. Matching workshops then provide a real hands-on experience. Registration is via the radar on the official Girls' Day website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Girls’ Day
What is Girls’ Day?
Girls’ Day also calls itself “Girls’ Future Day”. The aim is to get girls from the 5th grade onward interested in as wide a range of careers as possible. The girls should thus have as many options as possible in mind when they have to decide on their next steps after school.
How can I apply for Girls’ Day?
Simply via the Girls’ Day Radar on the official website. Our offer will be registered in time for the next Girls’ Day.
When does Girls’ Day take place?
Girls’ Day takes place every year on the last Thursday in April.
In which language does Girls' Day take place?
Girls’ Day takes place in English and/or German, depending on the participating employees. In any case, there will be a German-speaking person as contact person for the girls during the whole day.
What is special about Girls' Day at Ubisoft?
For Girls’ Day at Ubisoft, both the participants and their parents/guardians must sign our non-disclosure agreement and a consent form for taking and publishing photos and videos.
Where does Girls’ Day take place?
Girls’ Day can potentially take place at any of our studios (Ubisoft Düsseldorf, Ubisoft Mainz, Ubisoft Berlin). Where the next Girls’ Day will be held will be announced early on.
Where can I get more information?
On the official Girls’ Day website. (German only)